Project Information

The Office of the Vice Provost for Research & Scholarship (OVPRS) and the Human Subjects Research Office (HSRO) are excited to announce the expansion of IBISResearch to include an IRB system, which is now live as of Monday, August 29, 2022.  To access the new IRB site, please visit


Information on the IRB System Reimplementation

What:  IRB system reimplementation

Who Will it Affect: Members of the research community who conduct or review research involving human subjects 

When Will it Go Live: Monday, August 29, 2022

Why is it Being Implemented: To continue to enhance the University’s commitment to a comprehensive Research Administration System. IBISResearch will be expanded to include IRB and allow for a seamless integration with Grants, Agreements, UDisclose, and future system additions.  

How will it be Implemented: Below is a snapshot of the project methodology for this implementation. We are currently in the Support  phase of the project. 





  • High degree of interoperability with existing UM systems 

  • Further the larger strategic plan for Research Administration Systems 

  • Facilitate collaboration between UM faculty, staff, central offices, and external institutions 

  • Ability to conduct, manage, and support the processing of single IRB (sIRB) submissions with Huron’s IRB Exchange 

  • Maintain compliance with federal regulations, UM policies, and AAHRPP accreditation standards