Institutional Review Boards

The University of Miami Institutional Review Boards (IRB’s) review all human research conducted under the auspices of the University of Miami (UM). The University IRB’s also serve as an IRB of record for Jackson Health Systems (JHS). The UM IRBs are composed of members from both scientific and non-scientific backgrounds. Membership includes faculty and staff from both UM and JHS, as well as representatives from the local community. Priority is placed on having diversity of membership in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, and sufficient representation of both scientific and non-scientific expertise.


The function of the IRBs is to ensure adherence to all federal, state, local, and institutional regulations concerning the protection of human subjects in research. All human research conducted by UM faculty, staff, and students or employees of JHS must receive IRB review and approval prior to commencement.


The IRBs have the responsibility of reviewing all human research conducted by faculty, staff and students of both UM and JHS. The IRBs’ jurisdiction extends not only to research conducted on UM and JHS premises, but also to research conducted elsewhere under the auspices of these institutions.


The Human Subject Research Office (HSRO) serves as the administrative arm of the University IRBs. The Office is headed by the Vice Provost for Research who sets the strategic direction of the HSRO and manages the fiscal, regulatory and protocol review operations of the Office. The Vice Provost for Research is the Signatory Institutional Official for the University’s Human Research Protections Program.
